
I’m going to try something different in the first part of 2025. I’ve been trying to figure out if I should raise my prices, making it possible to sell through galleries that need fairly high prices to justify their transaction costs, or to lower the price to the point where pretty much anybody could afford to buy one. I’m choosing the latter. 

I’m going to sell these photoremixes online, here, directly to anyone for a fixed price of $97.00 (plus 7% tax for those lucky enough to be located in Indiana) per unique archival inkjet photopaper print. 

Now, this is not a copy or a multiple — each piece will be signed and be unique — that is, I will only print one. The sizes are standardized at 16×16, 15×20, or 16×20 depending on the piece.

In the past, I’ve titled pretty much every piece I’ve exhibited. As part of this streamlining process I may title some, but it can be a pain in the poetic ass, so every piece will be numbered, the first being 2025-1. There may be a title, but maybe the piece defies labels.

Another part of the streamlined process is that I will print the piece only after it sells. So, don’t expect 2 day delivery or anything like that. It could take a few weeks. The photoremix is an image file until someone buys it.

How to buy a piece

If you’re the first to tell me you want a piece, by DM or email, I’ll send you an email invoice which you can pay with a credit card or paypal. Once the invoice is paid, I’ll print and sign the piece and send it to you.  

Sometimes I might look at the printed piece and think, “This sucks.” in which case I reserve the right to cancel the transaction and send you a refund. It has happened that the image and I fall out of love when we actually meet. Alternatively, If you receive the piece, pull it out and hate it, you can send it back (within 30 days) and I’ll give you a full refund.