Smart Cars

Ideally, computer-controlled cars should be able to deliver us to a stated destination without our having to drive.

Ideally, there would be no (or very few) accidents because the cars would be flawlessly piloted, saving tens of thousands of lives each year.

No more drunk driving. We would have 120 mph interstates. Cuts in pedestrian casualties by 80-90%. Very short lag times between ordering something on a home computer and receiving it at your door. As fast as pizza delivery for 95% of your purchases.

Technologically, we're almost there. The same sort of software that recognized targets in Iraq could be improved to recognize pedestrians, other cars, and the edge of a road. All possible within 10 years.

No need to lay wires down in the roads. Smart cars would require no change to the infrastructure. All the smarts in the car. In fact the infrastructure would last longer with smart cars programmed to even out road wear. Smart cars could even exist on the roads with regular, human-piloted cars. Until they took over.

But it's not gonna happen soon.

Getting smart cars on the road (despite saving lives and money, making our world a lot less stressful, and dramatically reducing air pollution) would be politically impossible.

Let's look at who would lose if smart cars were implemented.

All of these special interests, in concert with their employees, operating through their elected/hired representatives would work feverishly to block the development and especially implementation of smart cars.

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