Like wandering through a garden maze, you can't see the path from above.
There is a finish page. And a few vague clues.
You wander through these pages of ideas . . .
. . .reflecting, ruminating, mulling and musing on the content. Bouncing
around, sometimes crossing back to a page you've seen before. Sometimes
off to a distant realm.
When you're closing on the finish, you'll be in a long
hallway of pages of mostly non-english characters. There
are two ways onto that hallway, and your odds of stumbling across either
link at any moment are about 400:1.
To jump in, just dive through one of these handy buttons.
The jumps, content and order of these pages is changed irregularly, as is the finish page.
A 30 second wav fanfare [288k]
Last updated and shuffled: 10/2/95