The abortion issue centers around the definition of the word ``life.'' When does human life happen?

The rationale for killing doctors who perform abortions is summarized in graffito from Pensacola, Florida: ``At what point do you protect another human life with force?''

To many life begins at birth.
To many life begins at conception. To the Pope life is inextricably rooted in the potential for conception.


Leda and the Swan Aparatus ­ The first scientifically verified, scientifically-stimulated virgin birth should be technologically possible by the year 2000. This virgin-born child will grow to become the center of a large religious movement in an age in which the male sex is superfluous.


The whole abortion issue will go away when fetal development can be suspended at a very early age, possibly through freezing. The pre-kids would be put on a shelf until mom or dad found the time.

Can the law take a fetus from a mother-to-be that is scheduled to be executed, or if she is merely judged unfit?

We make up names for things and then pretend that the manipulation of the names has meaning. The name describes something that always exists in a context. When we play with the name, we have lost both the wider and individual context. When we use laws to manipulate our behavior toward the word ``life'' we will always come a cropper. Laws setting a moment that life begins are inherently unjust because they will always be uninformed of the context of the individual.

The moment that
life begins
cannot be found,
nor can the moment
of death.
Life is sacred
and transcends time.
There is no
one moment
when life begins.
When a decision
must be made,
who is to decide:
the state
or the parents?

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