Love Poem

A. I love you 
   1. Oh, yes I do 
      a) Sure enough it's true 
   2. A whole lot  
      a) More than anyone or anything else  
      b) More than life itself  
      c) More than anyone has ever loved anyone ever  
B. You're so good  
   1. Great even  
      a) Probably, no certainly, the best there is  
      b) I've never met anyone as good as you  
      c) You're better than anyone  
         1) ever  
   2. Very smart  
      a) No one is smarter than you  
      b) You always know what is best  
      c) You know everything there is to know about everything  
   3. Always there when I need you  
      a) You're everywhere, all the time  
   4. Always do the right thing  
      a) You don't ever make mistakes  
      b) Never impolite  
      c) Very kind  
   5. Very cute  
      a) Cutest there is  
C. I worship you  
   1. The very ground you walk on  
   2. The way you smile  
      a) The way you hold your head  
   3. Everything about you  
   4. It seems like you made everything for me  
   5. Now I'm always happy  
D. Thanks for all your help  

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