bracket bracket 31 by paul smedberg

a printable 11x17" version of above


Behold the power of cheese.
I can't believe I ate the whole thing.
Where's the beef?
Raid kills bugs dead.
The incredible edible egg.
Love, truth, beauty, corn, and a little salt.

Behold the power of advertising . . .
sub haiku,
about as long as
the shortest thought.

Look at me!
I'm writing short now!


Aaaannnndddd now!

Writer's got a big thought coming

Here it comes . . .


. . . damn, lost it.

It was another writerly thought thing
Letting the Chattering Monkeys speak!

Goooo chattering monkeys.

You write.
You write.
You write.


Feel them fingers go.
Fiddling and flopping across that keyboard.



You know what else is good writing?

in some interesting order.


A critic or scholar might note
that that number includes
instead of metaphor or assonance
a constant: Pi (3.1415)
and a power of 2 (256) which provide . . .

Hidden Meaning.
(which is the slogan for Literature)

That makes sense.
(which is an old slogan for ExLax)

we've had a couple digressions
back to a sort of first-person omniscient view

Actually, I kind of like the first-person omniscient
Writing like a writer writes
Like a poet poes
stringing words
in short lines
and pointy.


They words just come up and
smote me in the mouth

Silly bard,
Trix are for Kids.


bracket bracket is a made by Paul Smedberg.
Each issue is dissimilar to every other issue, more or less, so why not check some out?

Here are those other issues in no particular order:

14 9 18 17 29 28 3 26 20 <— These issues are not necessarily related to each other in any way.

24 30 8 7 5 4 27 2 1 16 <— These too are not grouped in any meaningful way.

15 29 <— These issues are consecutive in reverse order.

19 25 23 13 6 12 11

22 21<— That last grouping didn't even deserve a note, and the previous note was just plain wrong.

I think I've clearly illustrated that conceptual dislexia is possible.

If you subscribe you'll receive an obscure note
whenever a new bracket bracket comes out — every once in a while.
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The graphics and poetry are copyright 2006 by Paul Smedberg. Well, let's not call it poetry, let's just call it text. The photo up top was taken of the National Starch facility in Indianapolis.